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Question 1 of 30

How many bones is a child born with?

Human babies are born with 300-350 bones. As they grow, their bones fuse together, gradually decreasing the number of bones.

How many bones does an adult have?

An adult human has 206 bones down from 305, which was the number of bones at birth.

Which among these is not an organ?

Organs are made up of different tissues and blood is considered only a type of connective tissue; hence, it is not an organ.

Which of these is the largest bone in the body?

Femur, the largest bone, is the bone in the thigh and is also known as the thigh bone.

What are these terms related to – Malleus, Incus, and Stapes?

Malleus, incus, and stapes are three bones in the middle ear.

Where is the scapula bone located?

The scapula bone, also known as the shoulder bone, connects the upper arm (humerus) bone and the collar (clavicle) bone.

The thyroid gland belongs to which of these systems?

The endocrine system consists of several glands that produce, store, and release hormones in the bloodstream.

Which of these bones are not connected to any other bones?

While the upper ribs are attached to the breast bone, the sternum and the lower two ribs are known as floating ribs as they have no ventral attachment.

How many sweat glands does an average human have?

An average human has 2.6 million sweat glands. The only parts that don't have sweat glands are the lips, nipples, and genitals.

Which of these parts have more bones?

The hand consists of 27 bones, forearm two bones, ear 3, and foot 26.

What is the length of a stretched out digestive system?

The digestive system begins from the mouth and ends at the anus. It includes, mouth, esophagus, stomach, and both the intestines. Once it's stretched, it measures up to 30 feet or 9 meters.

Which of these are known as the voice box?

The larynx is a part of the respiratory tract and contains vocal cords that produce sound.

In an eye transplant, which part of the eye is transplanted?

Eye transplants are basically cornea transplants, since the whole eye cannot be transplanted.

What are the nails in the human body made of?

Keratin is also found in the skin and hair apart from the nails.

Sweating is a part of which of these processes?

Homeostasis is a process of self-regulating biological systems to maintain stability in order to adjust to conditions needed for survival. Sweating is one such self-regulating system.

Where is the pituitary gland situated?

The pituitary gland is located in the brain between the pineal gland and hypothalamus, which is just behind the bridge of the nose.

Where is the smallest bone in the human body located?

The stapes in the ear is the smallest bone in the body and is also called a stirrup due to its shape.

Which of these is a part of the endocrine and exocrine gland of the human body?

Pancreas is a hormone-producing gland as well as a digestive exocrine gland. As an exocrine gland, it excretes enzymes that break down food. Meanwhile, as an endocrine gland, the pancreas secretes hormones like insulin and glucagon to control blood sugar levels.

Which enzymes are found in saliva?

Ptyalin is a type of amylase enzyme that is found in the saliva. The amylase enzyme begins the chemical process of digestion.

Mouth-watering is a fluid secretion from which of these glands?

The salivary glands produce serous saliva, which is a watery fluid, when you think of or see delicious food.

What makes astronauts in space lose a substantial amount of calcium when they urinate?

Microgravity impacts the bone density in a negative way. This causes the astronauts to lose calcium most while urinating.

Which of these are all enzymes?

Proteins are a set of molecules. Enzymes are a subset of those molecules, making all enzymes proteins. However, some enzymes are not protein, they are catalytic RNA molecules.

What among these defines cartilage?

Cartilage is a form of collective tissue that consists of a dense matrix of fiber and elastic.

Which gland produces the growth hormone, somatotropin?

The pituitary gland secretes the growth hormone to stimulate growth, cell regeneration, and cell reproduction.

What part of your body is as big as a large fist?

Kidneys are about 4-5 inches and the left kidney is generally longer than the right.

How many liters of blood is filtered by the kidneys every day?

The entire volume of plasma, 3 liters, is filtered 60 times a day.

The liver is about the size of which of these things?

Liver is the second largest organ in the body after the skin it's about the same size as a football.

Which organ in the body is capable of re-growing?

If a damaged part of the liver is removed, it can easily regenerate.

How long does swallowed food take to reach the stomach?

The swallowed food enters the esophagus and makes its way to the stomach within 2-3 seconds.

Where does digestion start?

Digestion begins the minute food is chewed as the exposure to saliva is what starts the chemical breakdown of food.

What's your human anatomy IQ?

30th May, 2019

The human body is a complex network of cells, nerves, tissue, bone, muscle etc. and is more than just a sum of its parts. Its workings are fascinating, its secrets intriguing, and despite all the headway science has made, there are some things about the human body that you just cannot explain. Take this quiz to find out how much you do know about yourself.

What's your human anatomy IQ?
What's your human anatomy IQ?
What's your human anatomy IQ?
28th Apr, 2024
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