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An English physicist, Isaac newton played a pivotal role in development of calculus and discovered the three main laws of motion.


Archimedes was a Versatile Personality. He was a mathematician, astronomer, physicist, engineer, and a successful inventor.

Electric Bulb

Thomas Alva Edison is one of the most prominent scientists and has invented including light bulb, Carbon transmitter, current generator, and gramophone.


The Italian astrophysicist discovered four of the 79 moons, thus practically proving that earth is not the center of the universe and moons revolve around their planets, which revolve around the sun.

Electromagnetic induction

The English physicist made the most significant contributions to the field of electrochemistry and electromagnetism also the invented the first electromagnetic rotary devices.

Gas absorption heat pump

The German theoretical physicist was widely regarded for his work in gravity and is one of the key researchers of quantum mechanics. He also discovered theory of relativity.

Electrical Discharge Tube

William Crookes physical chemist who lived from 1832-1919. He also discovered and named the element thallium.


Benjamin Franklin discovered the fundamental laws of physics – the law of conservation of physics. He proved that lighting is form of electricity through a key and kite experiment.


Orville and Wilbur, the Wright brothers are the American aviation pioneers who gained their mechanical skills by working for years in the Ohio shop with printing presses, bicycles, motors and machinery.

Electric Cell

Alessandro Volta is also the first person to isolate methane gas. He also discovered that methane mixed with air could be exploded using an electric spark.

Steam Engine

James Watt was a Scottish inventor who initially made mathematical instruments. His first model of steam engine was patented in 1769.

Tesla Coil

The Serbian-American engineer, Nikolai Tesla made dozens of inventions. He was also the first to invent alternating current (AC) and developed AC generation and transmission technology.

Compression Ignition Engine

Rudolf Diesel took 13 years to develop the first diesel engine which was an efficient and slow burning. His invention went to be the most predominant power source for large scale industries.

Hydrogen Bomb

The Hungarian-born American theoretical physicist developed the bomb after Enrico Fermi suggested they could make a bomb that would set off even larger nuclear fusion reaction.


Babbage initially planned to develop the first analytical engine in the mid-1830s. The machine had the capability of performing arithmetic operations and could store numbers in a memory unit.

World Wide Web

Tim invented the World Wide Web in 1989. He graduated from the Oxford university. He developed URLs HTTP and HTML while at CERN, the European Particle Physics laboratory.


The Polish born French physicist won the Noble Prize twice- in the field of chemistry and physics. She is the only woman to get two Noble Prizes for two different fields.

Atomic Model

Niels Henrik David Bohr is a Danish physicist and was the first to apply the quantum concept. He received a Noble Prize for Atomic Model in 1922.


Noble prize winner Wilhelm Rontgen also invented X-ray photography two weeks after inventing the X-rays.

Kelvin Temperature Scale

William Thompson was also known as Lord Kelvin. He codified the first two laws of thermodynamics and also deduced that the absolute zero temperature -273.15 degree Celsius.

Cathode Ray Tube

The British physicist demonstrated the nature of cathode rays when electric current is passed through a vessel from which most of the air and other gases have been pumped out


Both, Pierre Curie and Jacques invented the piezoelectric quartz electrometer for detecting and measuring electric charge.

Atomic Battery

Henry also discovered the true basis of the periodic table. The atomic batteries he invented are now used in spacecrafts and heart pacemakers.

Microwave Phased Array Antenna

Luis Alvarez is also famous fir his theory that dinosaurs were driven to extinction by the aftermath of a large meteorite impact on our planet


Louis Pasture discovered that some molecules have mirror images. He also banished the idea of spontaneous generation.

Balance Spring

Robert Hooke's invention was vital for accurate timekeeping in pocket watches. He also discovered plant cells and the laws of elasticity.


Sir Alexander Fleming worked in the army medical corp during World War I. He developed antibiotics when he witnessed soldiers dying from sepsis resulting from infected wounds.


Leonardo Da Vinci is an Italian Polymath, who was widely known for his paintings and his work in sculpting, mathematics, engineering, literature, anatomy, geology, architecture, and even music.

Braille System

Blinded after an accident when he was three years old, Louis Braille developed a code language for blind people. Braille writing consists of dots and dashes which could be interpreted by the touch of a finger. Each set of arrangement of dots denoted an alphabet or a numerical.

Cesium and Rubidium

The German chemist also discovered the antidote to arsenic poisoning. The discovery saved his own life. He is also he inventor of zinc-carbon battery and flash photography


It was Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis, a Hungarian obstetrician, who instituted washing hands with soap and chlorine to avoid puerperal fever after performing surgery. Joseph Lister built upon the idea and developed his own antiseptic surgical method to avoid fatalities in both doctors and patients.

Atom bomb

Dr Oppenheimer was the leader of the Manhattan Project, which was the first program to develop nuclear weapons. He supervised the atomic bomb's test commonly known as the Trinity Test. The bomb was developed in Los Alamos, New Mexico, and was tested in a remote desert location near Alamogordo.

Gasoline automobile

Karl Benz developed a single cylinder, two-stroke engine, which he demonstrated on New Years Eve in 1879. Karl Friedrich Benz was a German mechanical engineer. He developed the first practical, internal-combustion-powered automobile in 1885. It was a three-wheeled automobile, which was called the Motorwagen.


Charles Hard Townes from Greenville, South Carolina, was an American physicist. Townes and two other Soviet physicists, Aleksandr M. Prokhorov and Nikolay G. Basov won a joint Noble prize in physics for inventing the laser. He also developed the idea of using ammonia molecules for microwave radiation amplification, which was later referred to as the maser.

Machine Gun

Born in September 12, 1818, Richard Jordan Gatling from Maney's Neck, North Carolina, invented a crank-operated multibarrel machine gun and patented it in 1862. The patented machine gun was also known as "the Gatling gun," which he developed as a result of the outbreak of the Civil War.

AC electric motor

The legendary Serbian-American scientist and inventor was born on July 10, 1856. He also discovered the rotating magnetic field, which further helped him in inventing the AC (alternating current) electric motor. He sold the AC patent rights to George Westinghouse who used it to develop transformers, dynamos, and motors.


Ernest Swinton was also a writer and a member of the British military who played a major role in inventing tanks and other armored vehicles for war purposes. Swinton later became professor of military history at Oxford University from 1925 to 1939.


Felix Hoffman was a German chemist. While working at Bayer, he synthesized two chemical substances for medicinal purposes - aspirin and heroin. Aspirin is still an over-the-counter medication. Hoffman then went on to work in various pharmacies in Germany; he studied chemistry and pharmacy from the University of Munich.

Cotton Gin

In 1794, U.S. born inventor Eli Whitney patented the machine that revolutionized cotton production by speeding up the process by removing the seeds from the cotton plants. His invention was beneficial because some parts of USA grew cotton plants that had shorter fibers.

Seed drill

Born in 1674, Jethro Tull was an English agriculture entrepreneur who invented the horse-drawn seed-drill. This type of seed drill was more efficient and improved the yield of crops before the industrial revolution.

Pedal-driven bicycle

The Scottish blacksmith and inventor was born in 1812, and he invented a rear wheel driven bicycle through the use of a chain. Macmillan never thought of patenting the design and make money out of it. However, others realized the potential of the design and developed their own version of the pedal bicycle.

Pneumatic tires

Robert Thomson was the son of a mill owner. In 1845, he acquired a patent for pneumatic tires - a hollow leather tire enclosed in a rubberized fabric tube filled with air. Thomson's pneumatic tires ran for roughly 2000 miles.

Morse code

Samuel Finley Breese Morse was born on April 27, 1791, in Charleston, Massachusetts. The American painter and inventor also developed the electric telegraph somewhere between 1832-35. Morse code is a system for representing alphanumerical values and punctuation. The code language was used as a means of communication during World War II.

Integrated Circuit

Robert Noyce was an American engineer who invented the system of interconnected transistors using a single silicon chip. The entire arrangement was known as an integrated circuit. He along with Gordon Moore and Andy Grove started their own company – Intel


Alfred Nobel was a Swedish scientist who was born on October 21, 1833. Apart from inventing the dynamite, he also willed his wealth to establish the prestigious Nobel Prize. After inventing dynamite, Nobel had established 90 factories and laboratories in more than 20 countries.

Match the scientist with invention

06th June, 2019

There have been countless discoveries and inventions by scientists and intellectuals that made our lives easier and helped us better understand the world around us. Think you know all the scientists behind these innovative inventions? Take this quiz to find out:

Match the scientist with invention
Match the scientist with invention
Match the scientist with invention
20th Apr, 2024
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