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Question 1 of 30

Which exercise can boost metabolism 24 hours a day, seven days a week?

Strength training is known to increase muscle mass, which boosts the resting metabolism. This helps the body to burn more calories. A combination of strength training and cardio helps in losing weight and enhances endurance.

This exercise tool makes use of your body weight to loosen tight muscles and improve blood flow.

A foam roller is a performance and recovery tool that is the most effective way to achieve a deep tissue massage.

Who was the first woman to star in an exercise program?

Debbie Drake was the first woman to star in her own daily exercise show, known as "The Debbie Drake Show" which aired from 1960 to 1978.

Which gym equipment can be used to train the pectoral muscles?

The bench press is used to train the pectoral muscle that covers the front of the ribcage. It is an excellent way of increasing muscle mass and training the upper body.

Which is the best way to rehydrate yourself after exercise?

The best way to rehydrate is to drink water after exercise. Sports drinks are full of sugar and add to your calorie consumption. Thus, water is the most sensible choice.

Which “mind-body” exercise can help you in improving your overall fitness?

Pilates, yoga, and tai chi can boost your strength, balance, flexibility, and overall fitness. Pilates is a tough strength training exercises, yoga involves challenging poses which increase your heart rate, and tai chi lowers your blood pressure.

An exercise called “The Hundred” is a fundamental part of which of the following exercise?

"The Hundred" is a classic Pilates exercise that youll have to perform at the beginning of any pilates class you take. It improves blood circulation. It is named after the 100 beats of your arms that occur when you extend your legs and hold it along with your head and shoulders off the mat.

Walking 2.5 hours every week will reduce the risk of which condition by 60 percent?

Regular walking helps the muscles to absorb blood sugar and prevents them from building in the bloodstream. Thereby, reducing the risk of diabetes.

A strong core—the muscles in your torso and pelvis – can help you avoid what?

A strong core enhances balance and stability and prevents the risk of falls and injuries.

More than half of the people over the age of 60 sustain this injury-

People who are 60 or older often experience partial or complete rotator cuff tear, which is corrected by surgery.

What is the most common number of sets to train strength?

3 sets of any exercise are ideal to train strength. It is neither less nor more.

What is the correct way to lift heavy weights off the floor?

The correct way to lift heavy weights off the floor is by bending the legs and keeping the back straight. This prevents back injury.

Which of these exercises is the best for strengthening your bones?

All these exercises are effective in strengthening the body, but running gets the whole body moving and is one of the best exercises that belongs to the weight-bearing activity. Thereby, strengthening the bones.

Which of these exercises target the back more than the other exercises?

Pull-ups target the back more than the other exercises and are an excellent workout for building a bigger and stronger back. For advanced pull-ups, people usually add a weighted belt which adds to the resistance and helps in accelerating their gains.

What is the major benefit of regular brisk walking?

Regular brisk walking coupled with following the right diet reduces the risk of developing CHD in the future.

Which of the following exercises require you to develop balance?

Balance is the key to gymnastic exercises and without developing a sense of balance, youll be at risk of getting injured.

Which body type has broad shoulders and a muscular build?

Mesomorph is the body type that has broad shoulders, muscular build, high metabolism, and responsive muscle cells. It is easier for mesomorphs to lose weight.

What does the term “pumping iron” stand for?

"Pumping iron" is an informal way of saying that you lifted weights at the gym.

Which type of lighting increases the probability of overindulging in food?

Studies have indicated that patrons are likely to eat more in dim-lit restaurants as compared to brightly-lit ones. Dimly-lit spaces influence a persons mental alertness and make them less self-aware. This prompts them to make unhealthy food choices.

What does “clean and jerk” imply?

"Clean and jerk" refers to a composite of two weightlifting movements, which are mostly performed with a barbell.

What is it called if you keep decreasing the weight with every rep you are doing?

Once muscle failure has been attained at a higher weight, drop sets are a technique to continue the exercise, but at a lower weight.

How many calories are present in 1 gram of fat?

1 gram of fat has more calories than carbs or proteins. A gram of fat has 9 calories, whereas a gram of carbs and proteins has 4 calories.

What is periodization?

Periodization is a form of training that prevents overtraining and reduces the risk of injury by progressing slowly from one phase to another.

Which of the following exercise releases tension from the trapezius muscle?

Shoulder shrugs are an excellent way to relieve trapezius tension. It even helps in maintaining a proper posture.

The Russian Kettlebell Swing reaches all the way up to your _______

The Russian Kettlebell Swing would start high on the triangle created by the knees and this exercise involves a hip-hinge movement with the kettlebell reaching the chest.

What does the acronym DOMS refer to?

DOMS refers to delayed onset muscle soreness that is experienced after a workout. This soreness is felt strongly 24 to 72 hours after working out.

SMR is a fancy way of referring to _______________

The foam rolling technique is called self-myofascial release (SMR). This technique involves applying pressure to the tissues that support, surround, and connect your muscles.

When you stretch your quads, what causes the hamstring to stretch and relax?

The golgi tendon apparatus senses the change in the muscle tension and helps the hamstrings to stretch and relax.

How does the sumo deadlift differ from the traditional one?

The sumo deadlift is a more advanced variation of the traditional deadlift and includes a wider stance, more hip flexibility, and stretching the torso.

The lower back curving during the squat is referred to as ___________

The "butt wink" is a posterior rotation of the pelvis as one flexes the knee and the hip during the squat.

Lets check your fitness IQ

09th July, 2019

Eating right, sweating it out in the gym, running every morning with an envious dedication is what makes you a fitness freak. If youre someone who loves hitting the gym every day, this fitness quiz is for you. Take this ultimate fitness quiz to find out your fitness IQ.

Lets check your fitness IQ
Lets check your fitness IQ
Lets check your fitness IQ
6th May, 2024
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