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Question 1 of 30

Only mammal that can actually fly?

While the other mentioned mammals can glide, bats are the only mammals that can flap their wings to sustain their altitude.

Baby kangaroos in Australia are traditionally called?

The word "joey" is believed to have originated during the mid 19th century. In Australia, joey is often used to refer to other baby animals.

Which animal has the heaviest brain?

The sperm whale has the largest mammalian brain that comprises of 25 to 30% of the length of its entire body, and weighs about 18 pounds.

A shrimp’s heart is located at?

While most animals have their hearts in the chest area, shrimps have theirs in their heads. For shrimps, having their hearts in their heads is advantageous as their head is covered with thick protective substances.

Which of these activities an ant cannot do?

Ants do rest by standing still and doing nothing. They are also inactive in cold temperatures, but they never sleep.

To what length can a colossal squid grow?

A fully grown male colossal squid measures up to 40-43ft, while a fully grown female colossal squid measures up to 30-33ft.

What is a polar bear’s skin color?

Polar bears look fluffy and white because of their white fur, but the color of their skin beneath is actually black.

How long can a snail sleep for at a stretch?

Snails rely on conserved energy and moisture to survive, and long sleep helps them achieve both. They can sleep for a couple of hours to 3 years at a time.

Which animal has the tendency to commit suicide?

Philippine tarsiers are extremely anxious beings and tend to get extremely stressed when they feel captive in situations like being touched, exposed to camera flashes, or kept in an enclosed space. In such situations they hit their heads against nearby objects, which results in their thin skulls being crushed.

How many hearts do octopus have?

An octopus has three hearts and nine brains. Two of their hearts are used to move blood beyond the gills and the third one is for circulating blood to other organs.

Which of these animal’s fingerprint resembles that of humans’?

Apart from chimpanzees and gorillas, koalas too have fingerprints that resembles a human's fingerprints.

This bird can roar like a lion

A male ostrich can make a sound that resembles a lion's roar; however, the sound also has a hiss to it.

Which animal inspired the idea of airplanes?

Scientists studied birds for years to develop similar features for airplanes and other aeronautical objects.

Which of these animal’s intelligence closely resembles that of humans?

In the animal kingdom, a dolphin's brain ranks second in terms of power and complexity. Dolphins can process information like humans and are known to be social.

Which animal cannot move backwards?

Kangaroos have an unusual feature that makes them incapable of moving backwards because of their hind legs and bulky tail.

A group of female lions is called?

A group of female lions is called a pride that contains a large number of lionesses and cubs. A group of male lions is called coalition.

Which animals hold each other while sleeping?

Sea otters hold each other with their paws while sleeping so that they don't drift apart due to the current.

Which country executes people for killing a panda?

Giant panda is an endangered species and are protected in China. They are often hunted for their meat, which made the Chinese government impose a ban and heavy punishment on their killing.

Which color is octopus blood?

Both octopus and squids have blue color blood that comes from a protein called hemocyanin in their blood.

What makes flamingos pink?

Flamingos are naturally white. It's their diet of algae and brine shrimp that turns their feathers pink.

Which fish can change their gender?

Clownfish are all born male. They change their gender in order to mate, and this change is irreversible.

This animal can breathe through its rear end

Turtles breathe out of their anuses. This type of breathing is called cloacal respiration and consists of diffusing carbon dioxide.

This animal laughs when tickled

Scientists could record and hear laugh-like sounds made by rats when they were tickled.

With whom do humans share 70% of their DNA?

While humans share 98% of their DNA with chimpanzees, they also share 70% of their DNA with slugs despite having very different bodies.

What do male penguins present to female penguins to propose to them?

Male gentoo penguins search through many pebbles to find the smoothest and most perfect one to woo a female gentoo penguin for mating.

Which is the only snake that builds a nest?

Female king cobras build nests for their young and guard them ferociously till the incubation period. Their nests are made of dried and freshly fallen leaves, and are so tightly constructed that the nest remains intact even under extreme weather conditions.

Which bird has eyes bigger than its brain?

Ostriches are birds with the biggest eyes. In fact, each of its eye is bigger than the size of its brain.

These are the tallest mammals on earth

While the blue whale is the largest mammal on the planet, giraffes are the tallest. An average fully grown giraffe is about 5.5 meters tall.

What do squirrels accidentally do?

Millions of trees are accidentally planted by squirrels when they bury and hide their nuts in the ground and forget where they hid them.

Which animal cannot jump?

Elephants cannot jump due to their wimpy lower-leg muscles and inflexible ankles. Others animals that cannot jump either are rhinoceros, sloths, and hippopotamus.

How well do you know the animal kingdom?

13th June, 2019

The animal kingdom consists of a vast group of different species of animals. Animals are classified into many categories like fish, reptiles, amphibians, mammals, vertebrates, invertebrates, and more. Now, you may know a lot about animals and even call yourself an animal person, but can you take this animal quiz challenge to prove your knowledge of the entire animal kingdom?

How well do you know the animal kingdom?
How well do you know the animal kingdom?
How well do you know the animal kingdom?
6th May, 2024
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