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Question 1 of 45

What is the perimeter of a circle called?

The boundary of a circle is called the circumference. It is measured by multiplying the pi and the circle's diameter. Some fun facts about circles are that they have a high level of symmetry and the shortest perimeter of all shapes with the same area. Also, all the points on the edge of a circle are equidistant from the center.

In which way does a convex shape curve?

Convex surfaces are used in mirrors and have great practical applications in the real world. A convex mirror is a spherical reflecting surface in which its bulging side faces the light source. Sunglasses, vehicle mirrors, and magnifying glass have convex surfaces. In this kind of mirror, the image is smaller than the size of the actual object.

Pi cannot be put into this category

The symbol was first used to denote the circumference-to-diameter ratio in 1706 by Welsh mathematician William Jones, but it caught attention in the 1720s when Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler started using it. Every year, March 14 is celebrated as Pi Day to pay tribute to this most famous constant in math and physics.

What is a triangle with all equal angles called?

Triangles are polygons with the least possible number of sides, that is, three. There are different types of triangles like equilateral, isosceles, scalene, right angle, obtuse and acute triangle. Derived from these shapes is the study called trigonometry, which studies the relationship between angles and their sides.

More than 90 degrees, less than 120 degrees. What am I?

In geometry, there are three types of angles, namely actue, right, and obtuse. Triangles are classified on the type of angle and type of side they have. For example, in an obtuse triangle, on side has an obtuse angle, and the other two have to have an acute angle since their sum total cannot be more than 180 degrees.

What’s the bottom number of a fraction?

A fraction is a numerical representation for part of a whole. The denominator then represents the number of equal pieces the whole is divided into, and the numerator tells how many pieces of the whole the fraction represents. It is also to be noted that any fraction with a denominator of 1 is equal to its numerator.

What is a polygon with 8 sides called?

An octagon is an 8-sided polygon where the sum of its interior angles adds up to 1080 degrees. A regular octagon has sides of equal length and interior angles of 135 degrees. When all the angles are equal and all sides are equal it is called a regular octagon, otherwise, it is called irregular. Octagons can be convex or concave.

How many equal sides does an icosahedron have?

In geometry, this shape is a polyhedron with 20 faces and its plural is called icosahedra. A polyhedron is a 3D shape with flat surfaces. Every shape has its properties and characteristics that differentiate it from others, and this one has 20 equilateral triangles, 12 vertices, and 30 edges.

What is a polygon with 4 sides?

There are many different kinds of quadilaterals, but the common factors in all of them are that they all have four sides, have two diagonals, and the sum of their four interior angles equals to 360 degrees. The most common types of this shape are rectangles, squares, parallelograms, rhombuses, and trapezoids.

X, M, V, L belong to which group of numerals?

The Roman numerals, as suggested by the name, were developed by the Romans.The purpose of this was to easily price the different goods and services in their region. As the empire expanded, they needed a system that would help them keep track of these commodities and monetary gains.

Which out of these is not an integer

Derived from the Latin "in+tangere," integer means "whole." They are defined as positive or negative whole numbers like -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 and so on. As with most things, using integers in addition and subtraction formulae has a set of rules that one must be aware of.

What does Roman numeral C represent?

As mentioned, Roman numerals were used as a numeric system to keep track of goods and services rendered in the region. Each numeral has its own value. I is 1, V is 5, X is 10, L is 50, C is 100, D is 500 and M is 1000.

How to measure the circumference of a circle?

The first use of the concept of perimeter and circumference dates back to the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians around 1800 BC. The pyramids are built to exact mathematical formula but there is no mention of pi. Archimedes is credited with its discovery in 240 BC, and Eratosthenes first calculated the circumference of the earth accurately.

A flat image that can be displayed in 3D

This concept was invented in the year 1947 by the Hungarian engineer and physicist Dennis Gabor. It was in 1971 that he received a Nobel Prize for his invention. It is also interesting to know that holograms were enabled through the development of the laser.

What is the basic unit of mass in the metric system

A kilogram is the basic unit of mass in the metric system and 1 kilogram equals 1000 grams. The metric system is the decimal system of weights and measures, based on the meter as a unit of length, the kilogram as a unit of mass and liter as a unit of volume..

What is the curvature of a concave surface?

A concave mirror is also called a converging mirror and it has its reflecting surface bulging inwards. Some uses of this mirror would be a torch to reflect light rays and a shaving mirror to get an enlarged image of the face, among others. It is used in astronomical telescopes and even solar furnaces.

He wrote the history of greek geometry

Eudemus, or as popularly known, Eudumus of Rhodes was one of the first major historians of mathematics. His work History of Geometry is one of the most important mathematical histories and even though the book has not survived, his work was used as the basis for many historians to build their theorems on.

Who invented the equal sign?

Robert Recorde was a Welsh physician and mathematician. He is famous for the invention of the "equal to" sign and was also known to have introduced the pre-existing plus sign to the English speakers in the year 1557. A well-learned academic, he published several mathematic and medical works.

Which is the largest composite number between 1-40

Composite numbers are the opposite of prime numbers. They can be defined as a whole number that has more than two factors. A fun fact about composite numbers is that all even numbers except 2 are composite numbers! 39 comes under composite because it can evenly be divided by 1, 3, 13, 39.

Which is the smallest prime number?

Prime numbers are positive integers that have only two factors. To give an example, if p is a prime, then it's only factors are necessarily 1 and p itself. Zero and 1 are not considered as prime numbers, and the smallest prime number is 2. It is not possible to know the largest prime number as numbers are infinite.

Which line touches a curved surface at just one point?

In geometry, a tangent is a straight line that touches a curve at one point but does not cross it. These lines are known to be useful in calculus as they magnify the slope of the curve at a single point. The tangent is perpendicular to the circle's radius. A tangent line is also a good approximation of the curve near the point.

What is the unit of temperature in the International System of Units?

The Kelvin temperature scale was invented by a Belfast born British scientist and inventor William Thomson, famously known as Lord Kelvin. The other two popular temperature scales are the Fahrenheit and Celcius scales. Each unit on this scale is called a Kelvin, and there are no negative numbers on it, and the lowest number is 0 K.

How many seconds are there in one day?

A second is the Standard International Unit of time and one second is equal to 1/86,400 of a mean solar day. This figure is because there are 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, and 24 hours in a mean solar day. This is subjected to limited accuracy because the earth's orbit around the sun is irregular.

What does Giga stand for?

Finding its origin in Greek vocabulary, Giga means "giant" and is used to denote a factor of a billion. It is a unit prefix in the metric system and has the symbol G. On the metric scale, it is number five after deca, hecto, kilo and mega. Tera, peta, exa, zetta, and yotta are bigger than giga.

What is the square root of 144

The square root is a factor of a number that when multiplied by itself gives the original number. It is noted that as early as the 2nd millennium BC, the Babylonians possessed effective methods to calculate square roots. In Ancient India, Aryabhata came up with a method for finding the square root of numbers having many digits.

Complete this Fibonacci sequence – 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34

Invented by Leonardo Pisano Bigollo, the Fibonacci sequence was his answer to provide a solution to Italy's growing need to keep track of their commercial transactions. He was the son of an Italian businessman and grew up in North Africa during the Middle Ages. He learned the Hindu-Arabic arithmetic system and introduced it to benefit Italian merchants.

This civilization used bamboo rods to represent numbers

China has made numerous contributions to the world of academia, including in the discipline of mathematics. The Chinese attempted to use the subject to find simple and efficient ways to keep up with the numbering system as their trade empire expanded. One of the early numbering systems involved small bamboo rods to represent numbers 1 to 9.

What does 5 to the power of 0 equal to?

Exponentiation is a mathematical operation that involves two numbers. One is the base number and the other is the exponent. When the exponent or the power is a positive integer, it corresponds to repeated multiplications of the base. The usual writing pattern is that the exponent is usually shown as a superscript to the right of the base.

Continue the sequence: million, billion, trillion…

Large numbers are those above one million and are usually represented with the use of exponents like 10 to the power of 9, or by terms like billion. The American system of numeration for denominations above one million was based on the French system, but in the year 1948, this system was switched to correspond to German and British systems.

In a triangle, the centroid is the meeting point of _____

By definition, the median of a triangle is a line segment from a vertex of the triangle to the midpoint of the side opposite the vertex. There are 3 possible medians in a triangle, and one of its interesting properties is that no matter what shape the triangle is, all three medians will always intersect at a single point.

Which is the most ancient number set out of these?

Figurate number is a number that can be shown by taking points or dots to arrange them into a regular shape like a triangle or pentagon. These are sometimes called polygonal numbers as they are arranged in a manner that form polygons which are two dimensional shapes that have three sides or more. To give an example, some triangular numbers would be 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21.

Which mathematician invented the Cartesian coordinates?

Known to have invented the Cartesian coordinates, Rene Descartes was also a prominent philosopher and scientist. La Geometrie was his groundbreaking work in the field of mathematics, and the Cartesian coordinate system became the foundation of analytic geometry. This is used in physics and engineering, making it an important mathematical field.

Who authored the book series Arithmetica?

Diophantus, a Greek mathematician, became famous for his work in algebra and was also known as Diophantus of Alexandria. Not much has been written about him, but allegedly, he worked in the main scientific center of ancient Greece. It also seems that he gained popularity during the 3rd century because mentions of him are found in the 4th century.

What is bigger than a billion?

Googol is the number 10 to the power 100, and was first used in the year 1938, by the nephew of US mathematician Edward Kasner. He popularized the concept in his book called Mathematics and the Imagination in the year 1940.

Where was the oldest recorded example of zero found?

New findings spark new debates in the mathematical community about which country to credit the discovery of zero to and so far, it is credited to India. In a study published in 2017, Brahmagupta was recorded to be the first to use this number. An inscription on a temple wall in Gwalior is considered the oldest recorded example of zero.

Famous Greek philosopher who proved a theory on the hypotenuse’s length

In about 518 BC, Pythagoras settled in Crotona, a Greek colony and founded a philosophical and religious school where many of his followers lived and worked. It is believed that they lived by the rules of behavior, including when they spoke, what they wore, and even their diet. Pythagoras was the master of this strictly secret society.

What equation has more than one solution?

In mathematics, an indeterminate equation is one that has more than one solution. These equations cannot be solved uniquely. Some examples include a univariate polynomial equation, non-degenerate conic equation, pell's equation, Pythagorean triples, and Fermat-Catalan conjecture.

Which mathematician determined Pi?

Ferdinand Von Lindemann was a German mathematician who is credited to have proved that Pi is transcendental, i.e., it does not satisfy any algebraic equation with any rational coefficients. Lindemann built on some fundamental methods that were developed by the French mathematician Charles Hermite during the 1870s that helped him prove his theory.

These numbers have two factors: 1 and itself.

Prime numbers and their properties are noted to have been first studied extensively by the ancient Greek mathematicians. It is said that the mathematicians of the Pythagoras school were interested in them for their mystical and numerological properties. They worked on them to understand them as "perfect" and "amicable" numbers.

The Hindu-Arabic numeral system was invented in which civilisation?

The numeral system, which is most commonly also known as the Hindu-Arabic numeral system was invented to express a place-value notation. It was developed by Aryabhata and Brahmagupta, two Indians who worked on perfecting this system in the 5th and 6th centuries. It was later adopted and modified by the Arabs from the east.

The binary number system has a base of…

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz is known to be the inventor of the binary numeral system. One of the most famous mathematicians of the 17th century, he was the one to show the world that this system could be used in a primitive calculating machine. At present, binary numbers from the backbone of all the modern computing systems and digital technology.

Which out of these is an integer?

Integers are natural numbers and their negatives. While zero has no negative, it is still an integer. Also called whole numbers, integers are rational numbers with no fraction or part, and they number at infinite! By this definition, fractions, decimals, and percents can not be termed as integers in mathematics.

Which two angles make a parallelogram equal?

A two-dimensional quadrilateral is a shape that has four sides intersecting at four points known as vertices. A parallelogram is one such example that has two opposite sides that are parallel and congruent. It also means that the opposite sides are equal in length. Some other examples of this quadrilateral are squares, rectangles, rhombuses.

This figure has 9 sides.

Also called as enneagon, this is a nine-sided polygon or 9-gon in geometry. The temples of Baha’i Faith are required to have a 9-sided shape. Known to be the “Dawning-place of the Remembrance of God,” these places of worship initially were built in Persia. Closer to home, the U.S Steel tower is also an irregular nonagon.

The prime number after 7.

A prime number can only be divided by itself and by 1 without leaving any remainder. 0 and 1 are not considered prime numbers, and aside from them, all other numbers are categorized as either prime numbers or composite numbers. Another interesting fact is that there is no prime number that is greater than 5 and ends in a 5.

How math savvy would you call yourself?

22nd November, 2019

Commonly defined as the science of numbers and their operations, mathematics is an old, vast area of study with its uses in almost all aspects of life. Its concepts and theorems are applied to other disciplines such as physics, engineering, and astronomy to name a few. But, many of us have lost touch with the beauty of this subject. Take this quiz to find out how well you remember your math!

How math savvy would you call yourself?
How math savvy would you call yourself?
How math savvy would you call yourself?
3rd May, 2024
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