Easy Stretches You Can Perform With Only the Help of Your Doorway
03rd May, 2024
Easy Stretches You Can Perform With Only the Help of Your Doorway Flex-pt.com
Straight back and painless shoulders a thing of the past? Every muscle you move reminds you of your age? Time to stand tall and stretch them then! Here’s a bitter truth: Most of us aren’t born athletic, and use a precious few muscles in our day-to-day. We carry our stress in our shoulders, neck, or even jaw and often tighten them for hours, aided by our sedentary lifestyles. As a result, any attempt to reach out for that remote on the far end of the sofa makes our bodies hurt. To undo some of the harm without using up a chunk of the day, here are several doorway stretching exercises. All you need is a doorway, some motivation, and your desire to be healthy and pain-free.