Awesome Tips to Get Best Deals on 15-Year Mortgage Rates
17th November, 2020
Awesome Tips to Get Best Deals on 15-Year Mortgage Rates
Considering buying a new house? Here is how you can get the best possible interest rates on your 15-year mortgage plan. If you are thinking about borrowing a loan in order to buy a house, it is important to be aware of all the available options to be able to choose an appropriate one for yourself. If you have already been researching a bit, you’ll know that a 15-year mortgage is one that charges the same interest rate throughout the term of the loan. The following measures can be taken into consideration so as to get the best deal possible when it comes to selecting a 15-year mortgage.
Research is key
Research is key

When making the decision to borrow a loan in order to buy a house or a property for yourself, it is important to be aware of the financial market. Whether you are looking to pick up a new loan all together or deciding to refinance a loan, make sure that you are placing your bets on the right lender based on the interest rates, your annual income, and your long-term financial needs.

Check your credit score
Check your credit score

The most important thing that will be considered to determine if you are eligible for a mortgage is your credit score. Your credit score is a number between 300-850 that decides your creditworthiness to a lending company. If this number is toward the higher end of the scale, you are more likely to be approved for a better loan or mortgage plan.

Enhance your credit score
Enhance your credit score

Once you have determined what your credit score is, you can understand where your possibility of being approved for a loan lies. If at all your credit score is lower, you can enhance it by making changes in your financial portfolio before applying for a mortgage. These changes may include paying off old debts, closing old credit accounts that are no longer in use, or opening new credit accounts if you don’t have enough.

Don’t quit using consumer credit
Don’t quit using consumer credit

While it may seem like a good idea to pay off all your pending credit card bills in one go to mend a poor credit score, that is actually a bad idea. A good credit score comes from paying off your debts responsibly. When you make the occasional purchase on your credit card and remember to pay it off on time, this reflects well on your credit score, making you a reliable candidate for a mortgage.

Analyze credit report
Analyze credit report

Your credit report is a piece of document that allows you to understand your credit activity and current credit situation. These reports are used by lending institutions to determine whether your credit history is good enough for you to be eligible for a loan. Thus, ensuring there are no errors in your credit report is crucial to look good in front of lenders.

Be wary of “no-cost” loans
Be wary of “no-cost” loans

You would have seen several advertisements and endorsements claiming a no-cost loan or mortgage option; however, make sure you research all the terms and conditions thoroughly before committing to such plans. It is common knowledge that all lenders charge interest on loans borrowed. The only difference is that some charge it upfront while some may fish it out of you in the form of closing costs or loan balances.

Make sure your financial life is in order
Make sure your financial life is in order

Other than having a spotless credit record, it is also important that you have all your finances in order. This includes having a stable job that pays enough, assets in the bank that ensure that there is a safety net for you to fall back into in case the job doesn’t work out, and of course, the fact that you pay back all your minimum debt payments on time each month.

Save up a large down payment
Save up a large down payment

The amount of money you pay upfront when choosing a mortgage can play an important role in the amount of interest you incur for the overall loan amount. This is because the amount of interest applied is directly proportional to the principal amount borrowed. Therefore, if you are still in the planning stages of buying a house, it is a good idea to start putting aside some money for the down payment.

How to save up enough for a down payment
How to save up enough for a down payment

The first thing to do is to determine a budget for the amount you wish to borrow. Once you are happy with the amount, it is recommended that you save up at least 25 to 30 percent of the total amount for the down payment. If you are planning this for a few years down the line, the money can be saved up in the form of equity or by setting aside a specific percentage of money.

Shop around among mortgage lenders
Shop around among mortgage lenders

It is recommended that before deciding on a particular mortgage plan and lender, you should do thorough research on the market and get first-hand information. This is to determine whether a particular plan and lender would be right for you. This involves considering other terms and types of plans before you are absolutely sure that you want to pick up a 15-year mortgage.

Compare mortgage rates
Compare mortgage rates

Once you have decided on the kind of mortgage and lender you want, it is time to consider the interest rate that you would want to pay. A 15-year mortgage has several advantages and disadvantages depending on your financial situation and needs. Most bigger companies offer similar rates when it comes to such mortgages. Thus, it would be a good idea to opt for one with the lowest interest rate.

Calculate your break-even point
Calculate your break-even point

If you are refinancing a 15-year mortgage plan, you need to figure out your break-even point. For this, you need to consider several factors. These include mortgage application, appraisal, recording, and other fees, all of which amount to approximately two to five percent of your loan’s principal balance. This amount is considered as the closing charge for your refinancing procedure.

Have a long and consistent work history
Have a long and consistent work history

Other than just having a well-paying job, money lending institutions also often do a background check on how long you have worked in all the places you were employed at. Jumping from one job to another frequently might be considered as a sign of inconsistency, making it difficult for such companies to trust you enough to approve your loan application.

Ask your bank/credit union for a better rate
Ask your bank/credit union for a better rate

This seems to be too simple an option, but you might be surprised by the number of plans, discounts, and flexible rates that are offered by lenders. If you have an exceptional credit score and have a stable financial portfolio, it is entirely possible to get a lower rate of interest. So, don’t forget to negotiate. You might end up getting a good deal.

Pay for points
Pay for points

Homebuyers are expected to pay a certain amount as an upfront fee for lowering mortgage rates. These fees are known as points. Each of these points is equivalent to lowering your interest rate by 0.125% and should cost you about 1% of the total amount you wish to withdraw. It is recommended that you opt for this method if you are looking to stay in the property for an extended period.

Lower the total loan amount
Lower the total loan amount

If you aren’t satisfied with the interest rate that you are offered with even after applying all the above methods, the easiest way to remedy the situation is by lowering the amount you wish to borrow. Lowering your budget might very well help you pay less money in the long run and will also help you save more money by opting for a lower-priced home.

Location of your home
Location of your home

Your mortgage rates will likely depend on the location of your new home. The interest rates are known to vary depending on the mortgage costs, government regulations, cost of living, competition, etc. For example, if there are many people looking to buy a home in the area of your interest, it is expected that the interest rates will be higher to cater to the raised demand.


For someone that already has a running mortgage and is currently looking for ways to lower the existing rate of interest, they should consider refinancing their loan with a different plan. It is important to note that all the above-mentioned factors are still valid and will help you get a better deal than what you currently have.