20 Vintage Items That Are Absolute Gold
21st October, 2020
20 Vintage Items That Are Absolute Gold unsplash.com
Archaic items may not seem fancy, but they sure cost a bomb! Some vintage items you find lying around the house might be valuable to collectors. Throwing away weathered items to make way for new ones is quite common, given that we have only so much space. But hold your horses before you decide to Marie Kondo your way through your attic. Quite a few of these vintage items are worth some money, and you might be sitting on a gold mine. These common household articles from the bygone years are considered to be quite valuable and can fetch you a fortune if sold to the right buyer. Like they say, "Old is gold!"
Adverts www.smashingmagazine.com

Before the age of the Internet, companies promoted their products through physical adverts. These advertisement posters would be hung at places where people gathered in huge crowds. In today’s market, these pieces of paper are considered antiques. They are among the top vintage items to look for at thrift stores. Depending on the brand, the cost of these adverts can be anywhere between $200 and $600 and sometimes even more! Did you know that mid-century watch advertisements from old magazines were some of the best-selling vintage items of 2020? Yes! People are investing in these print ads and framing them up as luxury items to be owned. Old print ads of soft drinks, alcoholic beverages, cars, and brands that no longer exist are some of the most popular vintage items sold on Etsy and antique shops! So, if you ever find them lying around your house, don’t throw them; sell them!

Boy Scout memorabilia www.skinnerinc.com
Boy Scout memorabilia

If someone would have told us back then that all those badges we got for Boy Scout would readily sell on the Internet for a handful of dollars, we would have laughed our hearts out. The reality is that Boy Scout medals and badges are few of the vintage items that are worth a lot of money. Some of them are priced at more than $1000. Boy, oh boy, that’s a lot! So, if you got some Boy Scout memorabilia at home, these would make for great investment options. So hold on to them and sell then when the time’s right. These could give you some tangible earnings over the long run. Wondering how to sell your vintage items such as Boy Scout memorabilia to earn big bucks? You can check out various online platforms such as Etsy, eBay, Amazon, and so on. Many people end up buying valuable vintage items on these platforms, and are willing to pay whatever they cost.

Classic cameras blog.louisphilippe.com
Classic cameras

Cameras, which were invented more than two centuries ago, have undergone tremendous evolution. So much, so that modern-day equipment is capable of capturing distant galaxies. Despite the evolution, retro cameras can cost hundreds of dollars. If they are in proper shape and work well enough, they can cost anywhere between $100 and $5000. Because let’s be honest, how much ever we try, we can never recreate those grainy film photos. This is why old cameras have always been the most popular vintage items to look for at thrift stores. Moreover, if you have cameras made by manufacturers who have shut shop, you may earn a lot of money. With Instagram and tons of photo editing apps, who knew retro cameras would be the best-selling vintage items of 2020 and 2021! Did you know that the most expensive camera ever sold was a classic Leica 0-series No.122? It was put up for sale in 2018 in the Westlicht Photographica Auction, Vienna, and sold for a whopping $2.95 million. Yes, you read that right!

Comics www.hindustantimes.com

First-edition vintage Marvel and DC Comics are like gold dust. These are truly luxury items in the nerd world. The coveted copies can earn you some serious money. This is because fans are always waiting for the opportunity to prove to others that they are the biggest stans of a particular comic verse. The book, however, must be in near-mint condition if you want it to be a valuable vintage item worth some serious money. It is not just superhero comics that are some of the best-selling vintage items. Earlier, comics of favorite creators, illustrators, and writers would also fetch big bucks, enough to pull you out of bankruptcy. We are kidding (almost), but old comics can cost an arm and leg. If there are old comics, particularly first issues, lying around the house, keep them as insurance to sell for a rainy day.

Crockery theblissprojectblog.wordpress.com

Back in the day, people served and ate food in intricate dishes, designed in accordance with the style and decor of the time.These antique tableware pieces are among the most popular vintage items that people look for at thrift stores. Crockery pieces are sold for a very high price, and people are more than willing to pay top dollar for them. Pottery and chinaware from a certain period can be more expensive than the other; however, the rate will depend on its condition. If you have old crockery pieces at home that belonged to your grandparents or have been passed on since generations, keep them safe! These can make for some great investment as well as insurance. Whenever you find yourself in the middle of a financial crisis, you can sell the crockery as valuable vintage items. You will earn some decent money instantly; we promise! So how do you tell how much those pieces are really worth? Once you have found the hallmark or an identifying feature on the back of the crockery pieces, compare them to online sites. Or, you could take these to an appraiser or antique collector to establish their value.

Dolls libreshot.com

As long as it ain’t Annabelle, there would be many takers for a vintage doll. Actually, that’s not true. Won’t you be surprised if you found out that some people consider scary dolls as valuable vintage items worth tons of money? Yes, there are people out there who wouldn’t mind owning a scary doll. The cost of these playthings depends on whether or not they are in proper shape, the period they belong to, and if they were owned by an icon of the time. So if you have old dolls belonging to your ancestors or even grandparents, invest some money to clean and fix them. This is because vintage dolls have always been among the most coveted antique items. Moreover, in the online space, antique dolls have been a few of the best-selling vintage items in 2020. You are sure to earn some substantial returns on your investment when you sell these vintage dolls.

First-edition books www.bbc.com
First-edition books

Even though people are relying more and more on digital books, there are quite a few who still enjoy reading physical copies. Hence, the opportunity to own a specific first-edition book is more appealing than you can imagine. A first-edition copy of an H.G. Wells or Sir Arthur Conan Doyle novel, for example, would be priced at anywhere near $500 or more! These books are often collectors’ items. They cost a bomb! For instance, a mint condition collection of the first-edition of Charles Dickens’s books is so expensive that it would get you out of debt and pay your mortgage! We are not kidding! Old books have been some of the best-selling vintage items on Etsy and other online platforms. There is a big market for them. If you have got first-edition books, keep them in good condition. You never know when they will become coveted vintage items!

First-gen electronics www.pixuffle.net
First-gen electronics

Although replacing old devices with newer versions makes sense, throwing them in the bin isn’t the smartest idea, as these can make you rich! First-generation electronics can fetch you quite a chunk of money. Many people have a penchant for such products and are willing to invest in them and pay serious cash to get their hands on these items. iPod Classic, Sony Walkman, and Bakelite phones are some electronics that are valuable vintage items worth money. Need to know how to sell your vintage items such as old electronics? Online forums are a great way to promote and advertise the antique stuff you own. There are many takers of these first-generation electronic items. If you sell these at the right cost, they might make you rich pretty quickly than you think. So hold on to your precious tech gadgets. Apple’s co-founders built 200 Apple 1 computers, of which only 63 exist today. Eight full-working units of this model were auctioned for a whopping $905,000 in 2014. You can only imagine what they must cost in this day and age!

Kansas quarters coins.thefuntimesguide.com
Kansas quarters

What are some of the most valuable vintage items, you ask? Unique coins that are perhaps hiding in your wallet! Three glaring errors on a few of these coins have driven up the price of the Kansas quarters. A smudge in the pressing machine fainted the “T” in the official motto “IN GOD WE TRUST.” The coins read, “IN GOD WE RUST.” Thankfully, the mistake was rectified as soon as it was detected. A few other coins also have some hilarious mistakes and are worth more than a hundred dollars. If this doesn’t get you excited, we don’t know what will. Got such old quarters or currencies at home? Dig them out and sell them. For all you know, the price of these quarters might as well pay off your mortgage or debt!

Tools and weaponry www.auctionzip.com
Tools and weaponry

Traditionally, knives, swords, or any sort of weapons were used in war and for hunting. Historians will be happy to part with their dollars to grab a piece of history. In case you find these tools lying around in your house and have no use for them, sell them to a buyer who knows their worth. Although it is rare for people to own them, some of us are fortunate enough to have been handed down such tools. If you have ancestral workmanship or kitchen tools, know that they make for precious collector items. These vintage items are worth a lot of money. Cesar Chelor, who was a former slave of Francis Nicholson, made tools throughout his life. In fact, he is the earliest documented African American toolmaker in the country. One particular plane he made in the 1730s or 1740s was auctioned for nearly $28000. That’s not the only time a vintage tool was bought for an exorbitant price. A set of calipers that dates to the Victorian era was sold for over $4,000 because of the superior condition it came in. Those interested in history, anthropology, or tool technology are often ready to pay for these expensive vintage items, provided they are authentic.

Old bottles unsplash.com
Old bottles

Ever found a random rum or perfume bottle in the attic or your grandfather’s trunk? Here’s hoping you didn’t throw it away, as some of these are worth a fortune. The old bottles are some of the best-selling vintage items on Etsy and various other online platforms. Chances are that the bottle has a particular design made by a company, which in the current age can make you stinking rich. You will be surprised how much people are willing to pay for these antiques. If you have these ancient bottles stored in your basement or garage, invest a few dollars in cleaning them up. You might end up getting a deal good enough to get rid of your credit card. Hello, good credit score! If you don’t need the money now, make sure you keep these bottles as backup insurance to make a quick buck.

Ornaments steemit.com

What are some of the popular vintage items to look for at thrift stores? Obviously, old jewelry! Did you know that old ornaments and engagement rings are among the best-selling vintage items on Etsy? Yes! There are a lot of takers of these valuable vintage products. Unlike the 21st century, where a T-shirt does the deal throughout the day, people of yesteryear wore multiple garments each day. Fancy and elaborate ornaments that now cost bajillions of dollars were en vogue then. Most bidders would be interested in knowing the history of the pieces and pay extra cash if a high-end designer made them. But some are looking for everyday vintage jewelry. These might not cost millions or be tagged as luxury items like some other million-dollar jewels, but old ornaments can help you make some good money.

Paintings weburbanist.com

Today, the cost of vintage paintings is easily thousands of dollars. The name of the artist obviously matters. However, it does not necessarily mean that you need to sell Vincent Van Gogh’s paintings to get a lot of money. Do keep in mind that the artwork should be in good condition. It also helps if you know a little bit of history and information about what you are selling. This is because many people today consider a good work of art an investment for the long term. Art is something that continues to appreciate in value. This means the cost of an artwork increases over time. If the painting or sculpture has special significance—such that someone made it during the First and Second World War—it is sure to be expensive. Did you know? Francis Bacon’s “Three Studies of Lucian Freud” was sold for a whopping $142.4 million at Christie’s Auction in 2013. It was undoubtedly a rare find. Not only did the triptych outmatch Edvard Munch’s “The Scream,” which was bought for nearly $120 million at Sotheby’s in 2012, but it was also part of a milestone year for Christie’s. The auction raked in over $600 million, which, at the time, was almost $200 million more than its best-ever season.

Postcard postcardiness.wordpress.com

Since there were no phones and emails to keep in touch, letters and postcards bridged the communication gap in the not-so-distant past. People have actually preserved these postcards. Today, these are worth quite a few dollars. What’s more is that their prices increase exponentially, depending on the content and stamps on these cards. If you have got postcards that have historical and national significance, you have some valuable vintage items in your hands. For instance, a postcard with a small authentic piece of the Berlin Wall before was demolished will help you pay your bills for a month or two. Postcards belonging to the British Royal Family or marking significant events of Royal history also fetch a significant amount of money. Don’t believe us? Here’s a fun fact. The oldest-known picture postcard was sold for nearly $50,000 at the London Stamp Exchange auction. Impressive, right? If you have any such vintage postcards lying around, make sure you get the best deals for them. You can set the money aside for a mortgage!

Pokémon cards timesofindia.indiatimes.com
Pokémon cards

Remember the countless days spent collecting Pokemon cards and then trading them with your friends? What fun! Well, as it turns out, those are actually in demand right now and can make you richer by hundreds and thousands of dollars, depending on the kind of pack you have. A few other cards might not fetch as much, but they are still valuable. Who would have thought a prized childhood game would end up being a valuable vintage item? We guess none of us did; otherwise, we would have invested more in collecting some precious Pokemon cards over the years. Before you head off to sell your old collection of these vintage cards, make sure they are in mint condition. Buy protective packaging for the cards so that they are as good as new. These will definitely fetch you some good money.

Stamps alternativeinvestmentcoach.com

A lot of people collect stamps, but not many understand the true worth of their hobby. Postal stamps are quite popular and in demand. In fact, a single Inverted Jenny stamp cost more than $1 million in 2016. Older stamps, especially the ones before 1900, are priced higher than the contemporary versions. For example, the Blue Hawaiian Missionary Stamp and Almanac Stamp of 1766 are among the most valuable vintage items out there. Expert stamp collectors are often more than ready to pay hundreds of dollars for vintage stamps of historical significance. Moreover, those who want to pursue stamp collection as a serious hobby trawl the Internet looking for unique stamps. This is why stamps are often found to be one of the best-selling items on Etsy and other online websites. If you have unique and old stamps with you, you can easily make a quick buck or two.

Typewriter www.thesprucecrafts.com

No matter how convenient and pain-free it is to type on a laptop, it will never be able to provide the same effect as a typewriter. If you happen to find one in your attic, bring it out, dust it, and wipe it clean. Before you decide to sell it, make sure that the typewriter is clean and in good working condition. You will be surprised how many people will readily pay you for this valuable vintage item. Collectors, writers, business owners, library cafes, and those who like some old-world aesthetics are always looking for vintage items such as old typewriters. Did you know? The Writing Ball was auctioned for over $123,000. Although all typewriters may not be worth so much, the refurbished models can get you $800 or more. Just make sure your typewriter is working, and sell it to someone willing to pay you a good price.

Video games www.digitalgeeky.com
Video games

The charm of classic games such as Super Mario and Chrono Trigger remains unmatched, even as we stare toward an age of 4K gaming. A copy of such historical games is a coveted asset for enthusiasts, who will happily charge into a bidding war to buy these bad boys. These games, among others, are vintage items that can make you richie rich! If someone in your family was an avid gamer, get in touch with them and dig out those old gems. You will be shocked to know how much they cost today. Many gamers are on a constant lookout for vintage and archaic games. And we bet they would be ready to pay a pretty penny to add them to their precious collection. If you are lucky, you might even find an initial version of an old video game that will give you some solid money in the vintage market.

Vinyl records dimitridube.com
Vinyl records

Before Spotify took over, musicians recorded their melodies in phonograph disc records, which were later converted into many copies and sold everywhere around the world. These discs could sell for exorbitant rates, especially if the artists or bands were well-known. If you sell a Beatles, Queen, or Nirvana record, you can actually pay off a mortgage on your house! Yes! Once Upon a Time in Shaolin by Wu-Tang Clan is the most expensive record ever sold. It was the only copy that was produced and was bought for $2 million! Vinyl records have always been one of the most popular vintage items to look for at thrift stores and online platforms. These have an old-world charm. Moreover, the sound quality takes one back to the golden era of good music. The market for these valuable vintage items never dips. If you have a rare vinyl at home, you have hit a jackpot that can totally get you out of debt!

Watches www.thriftyfun.com

You’d be shocked to note just how much people would be ready to pay for a vintage watch. The timepiece, which was discovered in the 16th century, makes for the perfect possession. Depending on the design and the year of making, watches can cost from a few thousand to millions of dollars. Who knows? The money that you get might help you pay off your debt! It comes as no surprise that they are some of the most valuable vintage items. If you got a timepiece made by a famous designer, manufacturer, or luxury brand or an older model of a watch that is no longer in production, ensure that it is in working condition. This old watch might just be your insurance for a rainy day.