18 Magical Creatures From Potterverse That Left Us Spellbound
05th May, 2024
18 Magical Creatures From Potterverse That Left Us Spellbound imdb.com
Vicious trolls, birds born from ashes, and tiny bank workers, remember the fantastic (and terrifying) creatures from the spellbinding world of Potterverse? Swishing robes, flicking wands, butterbeer, talking books, flying cars, rebellious trees, and floating ghosts! No Potterhead can ever forget the wonderful world of Hogwarts and Potterverse. The best bits of this magical world were all the awesome (and some sinister) creatures and beasts. From giant droll-some trolls, elegant owls, terrifying soul-suckers, to mischievous little pixies, Harry’s wizarding world is full of creatures that are still memorable. Check out some of the most awesome magical creatures that simply took our breath away!